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  • Frequently Asked PIANO Questions

  • What is the tuition rate?

    Lessons are $25 per half hour or $37 for 45 minute lessons, normally once weekly.

  • How long should one practice between lessons?

    Students should practice daily. Recommended minimal practice times per week are as follows:

    Beginner              - 50 minutes
    1-2 years             - 75 minutes
    Intermediate         - 100 minutes
    Late Intermediate - 150 minutes 

    Weekly practice times should be divided out to equal daily amounts. Example: 100 minutes weekly equals 20 minutes daily, 5 days per week. Lessons are not considered practice time.


  • At what age should my child begin lessons?

    1. Student should be able to read the alphabet.
    2. Student should be able to differentiate between left and right hands.
    3. Student should be able to mimic visual instructions.
    4. Must be attentive; teachable; responsive.
    5. Must practice when asked.
    Some children start as early as 5 years of age. 

  • Lesson content

    Lessons contain level appropriate training and coaching in proper technique, note and symbol recognition, rhythmic and dynamic accuracy, musicality, composition, and listening using method books, classical, sacred, and popular music, supplemented with flashcards, technique books, performance books, and theory workbooks.

  • Benefits of piano practice

    Able to read music on treble and bass clefs

    Development of musical expression

    Dexterity improved in fingers

    Potential for teaching others the sames skills

    Broadening of one's interest of music

    Aesthetic enjoyment of music

    Improved listening skills and understanding theory of the music heard

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